Side Hustle Ideas

When it comes to side hustles, I’ve tried A LOT of different things. Making money has always been easy for me because I live by one very important rule: MONETIZE EVERYTHING!

When you find something you’re passionate about, you should be thinking about ways that you can create income from it. After all, that is the foundation of any successful business model. 

Your customers are already buying the services and products from someone else, or at least they’re thinking about it.

With so many ways to make money nowadays, you absolutely cannot fail – you simply need to decide on what you’d like to do.

So, I’ve compiled a list of side hustle ideas for you but check back often because I will be adding to this list often. And if you have a side hustle idea to share that isn’t on my list yet, join my Facebook group and share it with us there.

Here are some side hustles you can start today

Disclosure: This page contains external affiliate links that may result in me receiving a commission if you choose to purchase any of the products or services sold by those third parties. The opinions on this page are my own and I don’t receive additional bonuses for positive reviews. 

1. Writing

If you love writing, then you’ve got quite a few side hustle options to consider. You can start a blog, you can do freelance writing (copywriting pays pretty well!), you can even write eBooks like I do. You can commission poems and sell these for a nice profit also. If English isn’t your first language, I would suggest taking a course to improve it so that your writing is flawless!

2. Graphic Design

If you’re more into art and drawing, and you basically have a good eye for design, then you can sell your designs at various marketplaces online. You can design t-shirts and sell them on social media. You can have people pay you to create logos, social media graphics, icons, infographics and various artwork. Graphic design software can be pretty pricey however a few gigs will more than pay for the cost.

3. Singing

If you’ve got a good voice, you can sing in bars, clubs or restaurants (I should know, my sister does this on the side). Or you can join a band and be their lead or backup vocalist. The possibilities really are endless if you’ve got talent. If you’re not afraid of going on TV, you can join singing contests and win awards, prize money and recognition in the process! Weddings, funerals and private parties/events are also very popular for singers.

4. Photography

If you love photography and you think you have enough skills in this area, then you can sell your photos to stock photo websites. You can also work as a wedding photographer on your days off. You can have people pay you to take high-quality pictures of their products, houses, events, etc.

5. Dancing

Some people are born with two left feet. If you’re not one of them and you love dancing, then you can use your spare time to dance or teach people how to dance! If you’re really good, you can join plays and musicals, and even get small roles on TV!

6. Making crafts

If you love making any kind of craft, like crocheting, needlework, sewing, candle making, etc. then know that you can make loads of money with it! The more intricate the design, the higher the price you’ll usually fetch. You just need to know where to find your target audience. Often, you’ll find them at places like Etsy, but you can also reach them on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.

7. Affiliate Marketing

This is one of my favorite things to do because I love supporting others. If you don’t know what affiliate marketing is, here is a short definition: the promotion of a product or service that belongs to someone else for a commission. You can make money without ever having to create anything yourself. If this is something you want to learn how to do, join my Facebook Community Group and I’ll tell you more about it.

8. Wedding Officiant

People get married everyday, mostly on weekends though – the perfect time for you if you work through the week on your full-time job. With a little bit of training and an officiant license (always check your state or country laws for license requirements), you can start officiating weddings in a few days.

9. Florist

There are so many occasions for flowers: weddings, funerals, dates, promotions, private parties, decor, etc. Once you find a good supplier, you don’t even have to worry about having a physical store or keeping inventory. And there is a cool trick to the floral business that could bring you some much needed income really easily and quickly.

10. Instrumentalist

It’s time to put all those years of band practice and private music lessons your parents made you take because they needed something for you to do growing up to good use! As above, there are so many occasions for music: weddings, funerals, dates, private parties, restaurants, concerts, etc. Can you imagine attending one of those events without music? Impossible right? So what are you waiting for – get out there and show off your music talents!

11. Event Planner

Just because someone wants to have an event, doesn’t mean they want to plan it. They may not know how to or they may be too busy to do it themselves. That’s where you come in. You don’t need much to start either – just some budgeting and organizational skills and a whole lot of patience to act as the middle person between vendors and the hosts. However it’s a lucrative side hustle and a much needed one too with so many different personal and corporate events happening everyday. Seeing the events you plan come together in the end and the happiness from your clients is so rewarding.

12. Matchmaker

Although it’s not a traditional business, you’d be surprised at the type of clients that will come to you for help finding a suitable partner. They’re usually busy professionals that don’t have time to scope out the dating scene but they can also be someone who trusts in the opinion of someone else when it comes to matters of the heart. Either way, this side hustle allows you to get to know people on a deeper level and to use your intuition to help them make one of the most important decisions of their lives.

13. Private Driver

This is by far one of the easiest side hustles you can start. You will need a nice car or SUV, a special permit or license and a specific class of insurance in most cities but other than that, you only need to be on time, courteous, professional and of course know your way around. And one of the best things about this side hustle is that it’s super easy to get repeat customers. Sometimes, you may land a VIP customer or two – how exciting is that!

14. Tour Guide

You know how excited you get when your friends and family come to visit you from out of town and you can’t wait to show them around your city? Well, being a tour guide is doing the same thing, except you’re showing complete strangers around. They’re counting on you to show them a good time and take them to all the cool spots so that their trips are memorable. With a little bit of marketing, you should be able to find customers in no time and all you need to do is spend time with people as they explore your city. You may even find yourself visiting some of these places for the first time yourself!

15. Babysitting

Not everyone has family or close friends to support them with their kids and having someone trustworthy and reliable that they can depend on with their most prized possessions, their kids, is super important. They may need you on a regular basis or once in while, however you can decide when you’re available. It may also help you to get a CPR certification to make the parents feel more at ease and if the kids really like you, they’ll want you to come back! You may also find yourself getting referrals from existing clients.

16. Vending Machine Owner

Funny how those little snacks catch your eye when you’re stuck waiting in the lobby or at work because you forgot lunch …again! And don’t forgot the kids…it’s never a bad time to have candy, chips and soda for them and moms want to keep their kids happy and quiet so it’s a win-win for all! This one is an easy setup and the investment isn’t too high. Just make sure it’s not in a place to get robbed all the time and that you’re able to refill it and maintain it often.

17. Computer Repair

I’ll be honest, I’m super careful with my electronics but sometimes when I break something, it’s pretty major! Of course, I know nothing about computers and I’d rather support the local repair guy than leave my computer in some big box store. That’s where you come in – do you know how many people manage to break their computer, delete a file or two or want upgrades but have no idea what to get or how to install them? Last time I checked, we all use computers so this is one side hustle that is almost guaranteed to be profitable from the start. It’s time to bring out that inner geek in you!

18. Selling Plants

We aren’t all born with a green thumb but for those of you who are one with nature, this would be a great side hustle. Seeds cost pennies and the only expense is soil, water and time – not much to get started there. Sell your plants at local farmers’ markets, fairs and online. If your plants are fruit & vegetable bearing, even better!

19. Mystery Shopper

Ok, name one person that doesn’t like to shop, whether it’s in person or online. Retail companies work extremely hard to build their brand and provide excellent customer service and sometimes they’re willing to pay complete strangers for their opinions and user experiences to make improvements and to ensure that employees are helping to maintain the level of service they expect. This means you get paid to shop in their store and of course provide them with the feedback they’re looking for. Fair trade – wouldn’t you agree?

20. Personal Shopper

I love, love buying new things but to be completely honest, I barely have time to shop in person or online these days (did I mention how busy runnings side hustles can be?). A friend of mine suggested that I hire a personal shopper. This service is greatly needed for busy working professionals like me. If you love to shop and have loads of time to spare, this would be a perfect side hustle for you.

21. Passport & Immigration Services

This one could be kind of tricky because some countries/states don’t allow unauthorized persons to charge for helping someone complete forms. Before you start this side hustle, please check with your local authorities about whether you can charge for these services and for any required application.

22. Home Organizer

Are you a neat freak with time to spare? Somebody who isn’t as organized as you needs your help! Things like cleaning out and organizing closets and kitchens aren’t exactly fun chores for most people. Having less clutter improves productivity so if you’re willing to help those living in hoarder land, this is your side hustle. If Marie Kondo can make millions helping others organize their homes, you can help people too. Check out her book to get started.

23. Notary Public

To be a notary public, you apply with your Secretary of State, receive your commission and then witness the signing of documents by applying your signature and seal. It’s pretty straightforward work and it’s easy to learn the rules of which documents you can notarize and how to notarize them. Your clients can either come to you or you can travel to them.

Check back soon for more side hustle ideas!

People are out there hiring others to do what you probably consider to be only a hobby. The difference between them and you is that they’re getting paid! – Side Hustle Princess